Physical Education
The class Physical Education programme begins in Reception and continues through to Form 8. Our programme is broad based and balanced to incorporate all levels of ability; to ensure progress, the best learning opportunities possible are offered to pupils to show what they can do. In the early years we focus on co-ordination skills and pupils undertake a wide range of physical experiences which are developed through games, gymnastics and athletic activities. A wide variety of resources are used in order to familiarise the children with the equipment they will be exposed to in later years. Swimming lessons take place in the summer term at a nearby swimming pool. The Prep School programme incorporates the development of skills and tactical understanding of sports during their P.E. lessons. Opportunities are provided for all our pupils to develop their ability to listen, co-operate and act responsibly and independently. Through enjoyable physical activities which include games skills, gymnastics, athletics and swimming, pupils will learn to improve and extend their body control, co-ordination and their personal physical performance. At St. Mary’s we see Physical Education and games as a vital part of school life for pupils of all ages; far from competing with academic work, exercise is seen as a natural complement to it.