The light filled Art Studio is located in the Sanderson Building.
Here each child from Reception to Form 8 will receive a double period of Art and Design with Deborah Wood (BA Hons).
The disciplines of drawing, painting, 3-dimensional work, mixed media work, printing and textiles will be covered.
At St Mary’s the aim will always be to nurture the creative and expressive nature of our children. An appreciation of the Expressive Arts is a treasure for life, whether through the child’s own practice or through an understanding of the works of others.
Units of work are designed to cover the visual elements. These may well be working within the Curriculum for Excellence model of cross curricular work where class room topics are enriched in the Art Studio. Alternatively there are blocks of “stand alone Art” reflecting current events and the children’s own interests.
An appreciation of the value of the children’s Art work is vital at St Mary’s and displays of Art work in a continuous project.
In the past few years St Mary’s has enjoyed an excellent record in Art Scholarships; with awards being made to Glenalmond College, Loretto, Gordonstoun, Stowe, Kilgraston and Merchiston. Many other students include Art in their All-Rounder timetable.
An exciting, creative year lies ahead in St Mary’s Art Studio. We welcome you to come and discover that:
Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.